We got a new bike to build the other day, it is a 38 knucklehead. I am very excited about doing another 38. I think that as far as stock bikes go, 38 els are the best. They had enclosed rocker arms and a normal transmission. Plus the striping on them makes them look sooooo long and sleek, kind of like a bullet. Anyways, I have to finish up Jim's 38 before I can start on the next one.

Garreth did something that is really cool. He filled out a 38 order blank. I laughed so hard when he emailed these to me. It was one of those why didn't I think of doing this years ago moments. From now on I am going to have all new customers/ bike projects fill out one of these. I wish I would have done this fifteen years ago when I first started restoring hummers.

And here is a picture of me feeding duke a pancake. Whenever I take these pictures, I usually have someone else throw the pancake, but I was all alone in the shop, so I tried to do all things at once. The pics are a little blurry, but it kind of gives it a high speed feel.

HD is flying my dad and I to York to hang out for the rest of the week. Jesse and Ray will still be at the shop if you guys need orders filled or questions answered. We will be back on Monday. Have fun and be safe. I will take a lot of neat pics for you guys.
Convince the Factory to start making the old bikes again. The Factory always takes styling ideas from the old bikes.
ReplyDeleteMatt, If you run across any early early Excelsior work up sheets let me know. Cool. Thanks, Paul