Russ is making some good progress on his 53. The primaries should be set up sometime today.

Here is a cool picture of my dad and Rob Carlson. The backwards seat was a big hit at the birthday party this weekend. I think my dad gave 10 people rides on it.

Here are some 36 to 38 head cone nuts that just came back from heat treating. These turned out super nice. The bearing races on these always get hammered and notched over the years. These are made out of 8620 and are 60 rockwell .035 depth.

Check out the 36 to 48 neck cups too. We sent them off for plating and they should be ready for sale by the end of the month. Let me know if you need any for your bikes.
Great blog. In your picture on the header of your blog the Knuckle has painted/powder coated lifter blocks and oil pump. Is that an old factory deal or custom or just your own touch? Either way, looks cool..
ReplyDeleteChuck, lifter blocks and oil pumps where normally painted silver. However, during the war years 42-46 silver was hard to come by, so they painted them white. They went back to silver in 47. hope this helps.