This is
sooo cool. Thanks for the neat piece of
harley history Bill

I took this cool picture of Daisy May Spinning in a circle this morning. She is wearing a big gold chain, but you can't see it because of the slow shudder speed and because she is so fast.

The dash,
speedo and ignition switch fit up pretty nicely, I had to do a bit of shimming and tweaking but over all it wasn't a big deal
pre green photo

We always pressure test our oil tanks and gas tanks and spray them with soapy water, This is what you want to look for when you are checking for leaks.

After I wiped the water off, I could see a crack in the metal

Here it is all
tig welded up.

and metal finished and bead blasted. It is as good as new.

This is the puncture that was on the left tank. This tear was caused by the screw that holds the throttle cable to the frame being too long. I didn't get a good picture of it after i fixed it, but it was the same deal as the tear on the other side. I will probably have some tears in me by the time I am 56 just like these tanks.
Merry Christmas to Miss Brittney, Matt, Carl & family and crew.