My uncle Paul is selling his iron xr that he's owned since 1982. He bought it from the dealer that sold it new. It's a really amazing bike and pretty cool opportunity to own a rare piece of h d racing history. Check it out and of you're interested shoot me an email and I'll put you in contact. Below is his short history on the bike
Hello Matt: I have attached some pics of the XR 750, as it now sits in my living room. It is mostly as I purchaased it with a few changes. I added a kick start shaft- which I needed for ice racing-but I have removed the kicker arm/pedal, so that I could put the right side foot peg / plate back in it's original spot.H-D did not sell this bike with a kicker. so the while the shaft is still installed (I had to shim out the foot peg plate to clear it) the arm is not. Carburator. When I bought the bike it had on it a XL model tillotson, accelerator pump etc. and a custom air cleaner. NOT the ham cam that is came with.The throttle cable was routed through a guide on the carb intake face- and 'pulled' the butter fly open for throttle. The stock XR 750, had a tillotson that had no accelerator pump, and it the throttle shaft extended on the left hand side of the carb body- the XL version extends to the right hand side- I am modifying the cable to pull it open from the right hand side- but I am routing the throttle cable from the left side of the bike- as H-D did with the OEM model. the rear brake is not operative- the slave cylinder works, not sure of teh Airhart Master, foot brake set up. but the parts- other than the hydraulic line- are there. I put back on the bike the tires they back had in 1982. a razor cut Pirelli, front and a Carlisle dirt track tire rear. both wheels are 19" Harry sold the bike new to a expert racer he supported- Dave Engram(spelling?)- whom also worked at Nichols Engineering in the eraly 70's- H-D had a strike, and Nichols was brought on as an outside contractor to assist the racing team for that year.Dave had the bike long enough to 'center punch' his initials in the front rim, and weld the flywheels together, but he did not cobble the bike up much- once he became aware of the Iron motor's problmes- heat!- he traded it back in for an RR250 road racer.A mechanic , who worked at Harry's bought it, triied to learn half mile riding at Santa Fe Speed way, but gve it up after a while and traded the bike back to harry for partial payment on a XLCR (whjhich he DNF'd in the Daytona event for stock bikes) The bike sat for a few more yeras till I bought it in 1982- scan of my bill of sale from Harry attached. I ice raced it one year- i had my 'walter mitty' experience. Made ONE woman happy-she'd been last on her Triumph500 till I showed up- and I pushed the bike, studded tires and all, to the back of the garage .................. Not much more to tell- I did amass parts to put a brake up front and move the rear brake pedal to the left hand side- a bar bike basically- but could not bring myself to move the magneto up top of the cam gear cover and mount a generator.
Paint is original excpet the pipes which were re-sprayed heat restistant white by me. about it. Thanks for listing this on your blog. Let me know what I've over looked! warm regards Paul
The Vintagent Online Premier: We Ride
2 days ago
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