Here are some cool pictures. We got gareths other wheel laced up, but in order to do that we had to strip black paint off of the old spokes that came on his thirty eight. We just soaked them in laquer thinner and it worked pretty good. Craig also laced up the wheels for my dear friend Scott's 38 It's going to look so sweet.
I installed the eighteen inch wheels on the forty seven that greg requested. This is the first fortt seven that I've worked on with eighteen inch wheels . I've seen them On others, just never worked on one. These wheels make the bike look so much better. I think that the fenders were designed for 18 or 19 inch rims and I love the way the side profile matches up with the valance Of the fender. I have to tidy up a few loose ends on the bike and then it's off to its new home!!! I'm also uploading a picture of an awesome thirty right that my friend Greg used to own , just for comparison on the fender/wheel topic
The Vintagent Online Premier: We Ride
3 days ago
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