Wow. There is a lot of info to try to fit in this post. Well let's start with tires. My friend taxi from Japan went through the effort to make Goodyear Eagle style tires last year , this year he started making Allstate tires which is a cool old tire from the 40s and 50s. Both style of tires are perfectly made, have hardly any flash marks from being injection molded and mount up and balance perfectly. We are working together on making a 23 and style Avon speed master tread tire for choppers and antique bikes. Anyways taxi is putting together a catalog for this year and asked for a couple of pictures of different bikes that we had with his tires on them so the two jesses that work in the shop put the wheels and tires on the thirty seven and forty one. We will take some pics for the catalog this weekend.
Jesse and I made some good progress on curts frame today. I machined up the slugs and a few tubes and Jesse cut the downtubes to length and put it together on the fixture. this frame is ready to weld together and we should start on it tomorrow and have it finished up this weekend. Then it's onto a 38 and 42 which are all prepped up and will go together easily
Craig is working on prepping a bunch of transmission base plates we've been out of stock on these for quite a while and I'll be happy to get some more ready to go and parkerize. He's grinding the edges and the sides where you see them so they look like they're stamped out of Gaured metal just like the original.
Brittney and I went over to our friend Loren's shop tonight and checked out a dirtbike that he has for sale. we made a deal and next week Brittney should be out riding it in the ice and snow to get practice for Her flat track racing this summer.
and lastly we got a awesome box from our friend Janus in Canada with a bunch of speedometer parts
The Vintagent Online Premier: We Ride
3 days ago
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