This is my friend Tarah's
daughter Callie, she came to our
pre sturgis party a month ago and wasn't really interested in hanging out with everyone, she wanted to work in the shop. She helped my friend change his oil and his tire and ran all over the shop and asked about different tools and parts. She has been hounding her mom to come back to the shop and hang out, so Brittney and I set some time aside to have her come out and work on old bikes. We sorted out all of the parts to get Jim's 38 together and went to town. Here is a picture of me explaining something about switching out bushings in fork rockers.

Here is Miss Brittney showing her how to tap out holes in Jim's frame.

disassembled the wheels and greased everything up. This whole project was a lot of fun. While I was growing up, I hung out in the shop every second that I could. It was a fun experience to give back and answer a million different questions about stuff and build motorcycles with Miss Brittney and our ten year old friend.

Here is a picture of Callie on the 38.
My friend Dan came down from North Dakota to help with some machining. He spent yesterday cutting out the center of this rectangular bar for sears center stands. we are making five of them up. He did a good job.
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