Brittney and
I went to story book land a couple nights ago, here is a picture of her next to the shoe.

The rear header pipe and y pipe were worn out on the 46, so miss
Brittney changed them out.

My dad trimmed out Don's front fender.
This makes such a huge difference in how it looks. I love it.

Here is a picture of
Ben and I on my 36. He just got back from the foundry and need help moving a new statue so we rode in and helped out. I gave him a ride from the studio to the garage to get the fork lift. What a funny picture. I probably should not put this on the
Here is a picture of us with the statue. It is hollow bronze, kind of like a
Easter bunny, except it is 3/16 of an inch thick cast bronze and not chocolate

here is an old picture of my arm when we first took the cast off. Notice how crooked it is. this is when my radius bone was fused at a 25 degree angle. I had to have it re broken and set straight. ugh.
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