Daisy ran away on Saturday and we got her back. She went two miles to one of our friends house. I feared that she was gone for good, but thankfully we found her.

This is a honda dream fender that my friend Mike is fixing up for an original paint 65 dream. He is fixing it up for a dealer in south dakota that has had the honda franchise since the early sixties.

this is the paint for the honda dream fender. How cool is this??? it is an original honda lacquer can. I can't wait to see how it paints out.

Check out all of these btsv cylinders and knuckleheads. I couldn't get them all in the picture! The paint is very sticky and takes a few days until you can handle it.

oh hey, this kind of looks like a fender mount.

all ready to go.

it is all ground and looks like an old casting. it turned out pretty nice.

here is the amp gauge housing. it is making some progress. We bought a gauge cluster out of a 27 dodge car off of ebay and are using the guts and making bezels, faces, and holders for them. The brass washer will take up the spot where the original face doesn't cover. we are going to make new graphics for them as well because they are kind of flaking. I am thinking about black faces with white markings to match the indian 741 speedometer.

This is Jason's primary set up. I had to do a lot of welding and machining on the starter boss. it was tore up from the chain and poorly repaired. we got it working good not, but we need an intermediate bearing for the set up.
hey matt if you look at factory photos of 65 to 69,s the flat area of the outer primary that encircles the area where the derby cover would be is polished .I mask the edges real tight and polish them out so as not to get black compound in the fresh clean texture of the casting.Adam