This is the Factory's original paint 37 big twin side valve. This color is
Delphine blue with teak red stripes. The
Delphine blue was also used as a striping color for the bronze brown bikes. The blue is more of a
turquoise. I want to build one of these bikes so bad that it hurts.

Check out the smooth top on the muffler and the three tack welds holding the muffler reducer to the body of the muffler.

Black oil tanks started showing up later on in 37, if you look at enthusiasts from the time period they are pretty common. Most people think that 37s all had body colored oil tanks, but this is not necessarily so. check out the cad plated oil line bolts and nickle plated oil lines and brake pedal. I love the contrast between cad, nickle, paint and

Check out the
un reinforced wide fender mounts with the grease
zercs point inside the fork. This is the style of front end that Palmer's says is a 38 only fork when in fact it is actually a late 37 front end . I have seen this on a lot of bikes. I have even had points taken off of 38s that we have restored because they did not have this fork! It is impossible to get a grease gun into the middle of the spring perch, you have to use an
alemite fitting.

FRONT STANDS are the best. I would like to put one on our 37, it has the clip and the special studs, but I am missing the stand, do you guys have any for sale? We have a nos later one for trade
This bike looks like a
Matt, what was the serial # on the '37 btsv? Did it have a large hallmark on the neck, or a small hallmark with a #2? Does it not have a trip odometer? U, UL, UH, or ULH?