Here is a pic of my best friend Rory's 37 ULH. There was a story about it in The Antique Motorcycle a couple of issues ago. This bike is stellar,
Here is a pic of the 37/38 basket weave saddlebags, these things are so pretty, they make the bike. I am going to have a set made for my 36.
This bike has an original speedo face, it looks so nice compared to reproductions, check out the little beauty spotlight, man-o-man
Nice air cleaner Rory, where on earth did you find a 1937 only 6 " air cleaner??
I also have a 37 ulh but mine does not run. It has been in my family for 60 years and has not run in 50. under a pile of dust in my dad's garage till he passed away. Now I have the job of trying to fix it. Any comments, guesstimate to restore.