My dad, Scott and I rode in for breakfast. I took the 48, it ran well in the cold.

FROZEN TUNDRA picture. This is the first time that I have ever wanted a windshield on a bike. It was 40 degrees in this picture, but I really don't have a reason to complain, it isn't snowing yet. I rode the bike for 10 miles today. It was a blast.

Check out the curve of the earth behind me.

This is my friend Scott from Kentucky. He flew in to hang out this weekend and help us work on old junk bikes. It was a fun time.


I love it when a bike's odometer rolls over on to whatever the year of the bike is.

Here is a picture of my friend Paul's uncle. I got this image tattooed on my right arm when I was 19. Everybody should have a 36
el tattoo. I did not know that it was Paul's uncle at the time. what a small world.

This guy is telling the three guys on bikes to get out.

What a beautiful woman. I love 39
els, Check out the chrome muffler and little beauty spotlight.

I know how this guy feels, this isn't the ideal position to be in


I want to do this so badly, but with a knucklehead and not a 45

Mike Wilson gave me this enthusiast. I know John
Tibben too, he raced krs. They are both good guys.

Here is a cool 37
btsv stuck out in some forest in Michigan. Maybe this is Paul's bike?

I like the guy pulling a bunch of people with his bike in the picture on the right

The main reason that I was looking through old enthusiasts was to find pictures of light colored 39s with black tail lights. There are a couple of modern books that say that 39 and 40
harleys had body colored tail lights. This is not really correct, but there are a lot of experts that have read a book or two that think that it is. SO I went to the archives to dig out some pictures. Here is the first one.

Another one. This picture is great. Look at how the decal points up towards the heavens. When my dad, Delmar, Gerald and I toured York, we got to go through the paint section of the factory, they had a fixture that they set each tank on, once the tank was sitting on the fixture, some lasers would point on the tank surface so that each decal ended up in the exact same spot. If you look at 36 and 39 knuckleheads, the decals are all over the place. They seemed to have a tolerance of an inch. All joking aside, it is much better to have the tank decal pointing up rather than down.

oh hey, check out that 18 inch wheeled bike with a beauty ring and a BLACK tail light.
and here is Jim's 39 tail light. It looks pretty nice black. I bought the license plate reflector at a car
swapmeet in the twin cities, and would love to find another. Do any of you guys have one? I have a lot of parts to trade or cash. Let me know, thanks and good night.